Why astrology?

Astrology is a multi-dimensional science. Gravity is gross however Astrology is subtle. Astrology answers the ‘WHYs’ of the container of the self. What is more interesting than the studying of the ‘self’ via it’s container? The patterns leading to ‘this’ life’s roadmap and how to use these patterns to go beyond the very nature of these patterns is what is cool. It is said that at the time of birth the container borrows different parts from different planets and at the time of death the parts of the container are returned to the respective planets. 


Who is astrology for?

For physical immunity there is āsana, prāṇāyāma and herbs plus doctors that we go to when something goes wrong despite having followed the right routine.   

Similarly, for mental immunity there is primarily vedānta plus astrology that we bank on to ensure a smooth mental journey.

Sample birth chart
Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa which is the study of planets and their movements is used essentially to keep time. 
Jyotiṣya(astrology) with the help of Jyotiṣa(astronomy) is used to look at a person’s overall road map. A person’s natural inclinations and potential pitfalls can be studied and noted to propel one’s materialistic and/or spiritual growth.  

Malefics vs Benefics:

The most dreaded Saturn and Mars are the most important for evolving spiritually. The two planets provide patience, discipline, longevity and the much needed spiritual fire for sādhana. The most loved Venus and Jupiter may provide such great comfort that spiritual longing may be overlooked completely.

It isn’t about bad vs good but, it’s always about leveraging the strengths to compensate for the weaknesses thus leading a balanced life.

Fate vs Free-will:

Astrology always brings up the discussion of ‘no choice’ vs ‘choice’. 

  1. The PAST is choiceless. Birth, parents, divorced parents, ill-treating parents, education, wife, husband, family etc. whatever is in the past that has affected the mind in whichever way must be accepted; there is no choice. 
  2. The PRESENT is choiceless because one is already present. Currently you are in the middle of reading this post, this can’t be altered but the next moment(future) whether you want to continue reading or not, there is choice.
  3. The FUTURE is partially choice based. Aging and death which will eventually happen in due course of time is choiceless but, when a thought arises in the mind if one has worked on oneself enough, it becomes a matter of choice whether one wants to act on it or not. It becomes a conscious choice or in other words free-will !
So, the future holds free-will plus, aligning to fate from the past and the present is also free-will. One can be nasty about all that has happened or gracefully accept things that have happened.